January 26, 2011

Shit I'm becoming emo and acting like having depression.
Major >: but I can't find the reason to smile .

Home alone with dad these few days and when he went to bed early/work.
My 'push' to school and motivation totally just vanished.
I can slack, I can not go school, I can go back to sleep without anyone eyeing on me, be there and motivate me to go back to the right track anymore.

Keep late for school, don't really care less.

Don't ask me if I'm fine anot,
Don't ask me to take things to the easier side,
I'm not fine, but I will be and I will not frown or cry or sad or whatever outside.

Please get well, get better, get healthier mum.
I'm so tired of this game.


  1. Go to school pls. Get good grades so u can go university! You can do it. Work hard for her.


  2. Thanks babe. Doubt can go university BUT will try my best .. ):

  3. Anything is possible! Study hard I believe u can go! Most importantly, don't give up! ♥

